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0410 659 349

Is There a Way to Protect your Computer from Viruses?

Having a PC also means taking the responsibility of protecting the electronics from viruses and malware. The continuous threat of viruses is actual, and failure to shield it might lead to distinct problems that can influence the potency of the personal computer. Viruses can alter anything in your pc, for example, the standard of its procedure and functionality. Additionally, it may make the computer slow and in a worst-case scenario, can block the machine from functioning entirely.

The internet is also home to cybercriminals and internet parasites that are just waiting for their next victim. Some of these criminals can install viruses and malware into the computer to steal data and other relevant information. They can sabotage your machine and will take anything if given a chance. For you to be able to protect your computer from viruses, we have listed different steps that you can do to be safe online. 

  • Use and install an anti-virus software

Anti-virus software is a valuable tool that provides much-needed protection to your computer. It is a security program that comes in free and paid packages and can block any threats outside, including viruses. These programs can prevent all viruses and malware from installing into the computer system. The computer owner must ensure to regularly update the anti-virus software to maintain its effectiveness as time goes by.

  • Switch on your computer’s users account control

A lot of computer owner does not know that the computer’s users account control (UAC) can help in detecting viruses in the machine. The UAC can inform or alert the user when there is a software that needs changes into the PC. The user will have a chance to accept or block any changes that will happen on the computer. Please take note that different version of Windows has different ways in turning the UAC on and the users must learn and be familiar with how to do it. 

  • Refrain from opening suspicious websites

There are a lot of sources that you can get viruses online, and one of them is websites made from computer predators. When a website notifies the user to run or install a program on the computer, consider it as a red flag. The site is probably trying to install malware or viruses into your computer system. As a precautionary measure, you must avoid opening suspicious websites or those you are not familiar with. 

  • Always be careful in opening email attachments 

Another source that tends to inject a virus into the computer system is through emails. This source is the most common way that online predators use to spread viruses to all computer users. It is also better if you have an email provider that scans every email that gets into your computer system. This tool will ensure that no viruses will be injected or infect your computer.

  • Always update your operating system

A responsible computer user will update his operating system continually. From time to time, Microsoft is releasing security-related updates designed to protect your PC from viruses and repair any security flaws. You need to install these updates immediately after the release, or you can make the installation automatic whenever there is an update. If you are using a Mac, then the update will be in the app store and should familiar with the process of doing it. 

  • Be cautious in downloading software online

When downloading software online, make sure only to do it on trusted websites. It will help in protecting your computer from online parasites such as viruses and the like. You can check on the manufacturer by checking on the site and its authenticity. Again, be careful about cybercriminals as they will entice you to download a virus disguising as the software you are looking for. 

  • Scan your computer regularly

Once you have anti-virus software, you need to use it fully. By scanning your computer automatically, it will give you a chance to detect a virus and remove it from the computer as soon as you discover it. This process will also help in keeping your machine updated and free from any virus-related issues. 


Be sure to be ready in the assault of viruses into a computer system. The hints that we’ve discussed in this guide will aid in protecting your computer from any virus attack. Always be cautious and be updated about the latest information on viruses and malware security. This will aid in protecting your personal computer and prevent any virus-related troubles. 

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  • What is an IT Specialist? Learn its job description, salary, and other related information through the link.

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